Hi there, I’m Benji. I’m a French-American webmaster with a passion for design.
I also have a particular interest in technology, but not in the way you might think…
Beyond the flashy gimmicks, I’m interested in the tech that genuinely adds value to our lives by helping us achieve meaningful goals.
Today, my mission is simply to make this type of tech more accessible to all, helping you leverage the power of digital to boost your activity, whatever that might be.
Inspiring internet-goers to support the cause and providing the platform to do so.
Supporting an innovative creative agency with big ambitions for expansion.
Standing out in the crowd with a more approachable and modern aesthetic.
Enabling a small fish to compete with the big dogs.
Providing the foundation for a Swiss e-learning solutions startup's crowdfunding campaign.
Building the home base for a self-made entrepreneur with a diverse service offering.